Halloween hair and makeup for last minute ‘Hunger Games’ look

Sexy Hair stylist, KatrinaCahill, offers TME readers a quick, six-step guide to reinterpret the look of the people of Panem! Katrina offers a modern Victorian style, but get these steps downs, add a little imagine, and you can get achieve a look reflective your personal style.

“Hunger Games” hair by Katrina Cahill

Step 1: Melt synthetic blonde and light brown hairpieces together with a clothes iron on low heat.
Step 2: Pin the hairpieces to a to a wig cap using hairpins.
Step 3: Manipulate the hair into a big braid shape and twist it around the cap.
Step 4: Pull the braid apart so that it is big and messy.
Step 5: Spray Fun Sexy Hair Sexy Temporary Highlights in Red Velvet and Capri Blue to create purple.
Step 6: Lastly, spray with Big Sexy Hair Spray & Stay to keep fly always from the synthetic hair in place.

As for “Hunger Games” makeup, time to turn to CoverGirl’s Capitol Collection and the “CoverGirl Hunger GamesLookbook and how-to exclusive” article that was published earlier this month. With 12 District looks, easily broken down, it won’t take long to achieve a full on “Panem” look or a look that is as unique as you!
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