Lotus Wei Perfume Review: Earth Month Celebration

Happy Earth Month! Lotus Wei is the fourth and final review of eco-friendly beauty products for the celebration of Earth Month. The Makeup Examiner chose to highlight this particular company because of its all-around philosophies of integrating the plant, planet and beauty.

Katie Hess
In 2000, Katie Hess, flower alchemist and the founder of Lotus Wei, began sharing her custom-blended flower remedies with a few friends. Today, Lotus Wei products can be found in retails stores worldwide and has been featured on OWN and a plethora of media outlets and publications. The Makeup Examiner was very struck by Katie’s personal belief in “transformative actionfor the benefit of all”. It is her belief in the healing power of flower essences and a deep respect for our planet that places Lotus Wei at the top of the list.

Lotus Wei offers Flower Elixirs ($35), Balancing Serums ($50), Energy Mists ($40), and Transformative Perfumes ($45). Each of which are available in varying moods -- Joy Juice, Infinite Love, Pure Energy, Inspired Action, Quiet Mind and Inner Peace -- aimed to help us focus upon a specific issue in our lives by shifting our mood and physiology.

The Makeup Examiner had the opportunity to check out Lotus Wei Infinite Love Perfume, which is a lovely blend of rose, red mandarin, and honey. Infinite Love contains organic essential oils, transformative flower essences, and organic grape alcohol. Delivery is via a spray bottle and it’s free of phthalates, synthetics, and chemicals. Infinite Love’s purpose is to help focus upon unconditional love of you. (Is there a more worthy or important endeavor?).

Aside from producing organic eco-friendly perfumes and elixirs, a visit to the Lotus Wei website offers an abundance of information and helpful guidance about the transformative actions of flowers. From the “Tools +Apps” tab, visitors can print out journal pages to help guide you on your way to wherever you need to go or download the free Lotus Wei app that offers on-the-go info about flower alchemy. For more information about the transformative action of flowers or Lotus Wei products, visit Lotus Wei.

Full Infographic can be found at Lotus Wei

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