Three Simple Eco Tips For The Beautynista

Vitória Régia Water Lily at Pantanal Matogrossense, Brazil - Theo Allofs/Corbis

Being a green beautynista doesn't mean that you have to go full-tilt tree hugger, but you can take a few very simple steps to make your beauty regimen more eco-friendly. So, in honor of Earth Day, today April 22, and our lovely planet, The Makeup Examiner offers up a few tips that can be easily integrated into everyday life.

Bring Your Own Bag - Paper and plastic bags use a tremendous amount of resources and at least 80 percent of them never get recycled! Grab your own tote bag when you’re headed out on a shopping spree to Sephora. To make getting into the habit of using your own bags easier, keep them by the front door. Check out Global Girlfriend for chic totes that are Fair Trade and Eco-Friendly.

Drink Tap Water and Use Your Own Container – Bottled water is so passé. According to TreeHugger, out of the 50 billion bottles of water being bought each year, 80% end up in a landfill. 17 million barrels of oil are used in producing bottled water each year. Bottled water costs 1,000 times more than tap water. Drinking 2 Liters of tap water a day only costs 50 cents per year. Plastic leaches toxins into the water, which have been linked to health problems such as reproductive issues and cancer. A great option is a S’WELL Bottle ($25-$45) made from stainless steel or wood, which keeps drinks hot for 24 hours and cold for 12 hours, plus S’WELL donates to charities around the globe!

Go Green When You Clean – Isn’t it kind of counterproductive to use nasty chemicals to clean your home? You can Google DIY green cleaning products, but if you’re not the DIY type, check out Seventh Generation. Seventh Generation has been producing plant-based cleaners for over 25 years and offers an affordable alternative to toxic cleaners.

So, there you have three of the simplest ways to help improve the state of our planet. Of course I can’t write about green efforts without calling attention to greenwashing. Eco-Friendly, Organic, and Natural have become marketing buzzwords used to entice the consumer into thinking that they’re purchasing a “greener” product. If you truly want to become more eco-conscious, take the time to research brands -- from the products themselves to the processes used. Happy Earth Day Lovelies! Now, go check out one of the Earth Day festivities happening around the globe!


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