Beauty Tips For The Timeless Beautynista

There are those beauty products considered tried and true. What makes a product versatile enough to be considered good enough for all ages? For one, a product that can compliment any skin type at any age. Products that stick to the value of what an effective beauty product should do for a woman like compliment the natural beauty of a woman, and subtly lift the face for a more naturally enhanced look. Of course, altering your "must-haves" is a "must-do" with the myriad of life changes such as hormonal, stress and age. 

What is ageless beauty, or rather timeless beauty? I would have to say that timeless beauty is the ability to embrace your personal beauty, no matter your age. When a woman is described as timelessly beautiful, it is implied that the true age of a woman is unapparent as her smile is gleaming and skin looks radiant and healthy. Beauty products that help to achieve this ageless beauty are staples and live in the makeup bags of women from their early 20’s onto their years to come.

5 Must Have Beauty Products:

1. Red Lipstick - A bold matte or glossy red lipstick will remain a classic in the makeup kits of all women. Paired with neutral eyes and fresh, glowing skin the red lip look will always remain a favorite. And you need not be afraid of red, as there is a shade for every skin tone. Check out Finding The Right Red

2. Black or Brown Eyeliner - A simple way to add drama to the eye; wing it out in your 20’s and 30’s then keep it to a short stop in your 50’s. Eyeliner adds depth to the eyes and that’s always perfect for a night out at any age. Check out Makeup Mistakes That Make You Look Older.

3. Foundation and Primer - It would be lovely if we retained the perfect skin of our youth, but our skin changes at every age. And so too should the level coverage. While full coverage foundation is excellent for your 20's and 30's, once your reach 40 plus, opting for a BB cream is a good way to go and incorporating primer is essential for flawless looking skin.

4. Mascara - Lashes can get thinner as we age, but mascara shouldn't be off the table. While you may not be able to achieve long and lush lashes at 50 plus, mascara still enhances your eyes and while make them pop. 

5. Shear Eye Shadow - Natural eye shadow colors in a matte finish will always be an essential in every woman’s makeup collection. Shimmery shadows are fun, but as we age shimmer tends to accentuate fine lines. 

It’s a given that trendy beauty products like metallic eyeshadows and neon mascara are fun, but these are not the beauty products that will become staples in our beauty arsenals. What works for you at 20 isn’t going to work at 40, but the basic product itself does not change … and that product happens to be your own inner beauty! 

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