HoneyColony Warns Bee Loss Numbers Worse Than Previously Reported

HoneyColony, a health-oriented magazine and eco-friendly market place announced on June 16 that it using Pollinator Week to help bring awareness to the fact that bee loss numbers are far worse than what mainstream media is reporting. While the Bee Informed Partnership concluded in a survey recently that beekeepers across the United States suffered an average loss of 23 percent this winter, the Center For Food Safety says deeper investigation reveals that the colony mortality rate over the full 12-month period was closer to 45.2 percent.

“Our mission at HoneyColony is to empower people to be their own best health advocate and to put honesty back into our food supply,” said Maryam Henein, Founder of HoneyColony and Director of the film, Vanishing of the Bees. “With that said, the plight of the bees is a core concern since they are responsible for pollinating one out of every three bites of the foods we eat. Bees have been dying due to systemic pesticides that are also harming human beings. Something must be done.”

The directors of the award-winning film Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Oscar-nominated actress Ellen Page, designed the Bee the Change t-shirt to celebrate honeybees and to remember that change starts with us. The t-shirt is featured in the latest issue of Lucky Magazine as one of three ways to save the bees. The Bee the Change t-shirt is hand-screened on organic cotton so no bees were harmed in the process since most conventional cottonis treated with systemic pesticides. A portion of the money raised through t-shirt sales will benefit The PollinationProject, a non-profit organization that gives $1000 per day in grants to projects that change the world. Once enough funds are raised, a bee-centric project will be chosen to receive the grant.

As part of their extensive editorial content, HoneyColony reports on the status of the bees as well as other areas of concern for those leading a healthy lifestyle. A recent article “Bee Loss Numbers Worse ThanReported As Threat To Food Security Remains” written by Maryam Henein provides more details on the bee loss numbers and the threat to food security.

About HoneyColony - HoneyColony was founded to bring together people and companies who are interested in adopting healthy lifestyles and want to help each other cut through the hype and claims of natural products and remedies. This community, referred to as “the hive”, includes leading health experts, top-notch journalists, companies that uphold these values and like-minded people looking for a trusted source of information and inspiration.

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