OROGOLD Cosmetics’ Grand Opening Charity Event at The Forum Shops

OROGOLD Cosmetics, the luxury skincare line that infuses all of its products with 24 Karat Gold, is opening a brand new location and you’re invited! OROGOLD Cosmetics is opening its new location in style with a Grand Opening Charity Event, where guests will be able to get an exclusive sneak peak of the beautiful location, enjoy music, appetizers and cocktails and receive a private consultation and complimentary treatments!

Even better, OROGOLD will be partnering with Purple W.I.N.G.S., a Las Vegas-based charity devoted solely to help at-risk females in the area, and will be donating 20% of all proceeds throughout the event to help their cause. Representatives from the charity will also be in attendance to discuss their mission and share inspiring stories about their successes.

The event will be held Thursday, July 31st starting at 5 PM. The event will last into the evening hours and all are welcome to stop by after work (or whenever you can make it!) and bring friends/colleagues! The store is located at the Forum Shops at Las Vegas’ Caesar’s Palace Hotel located at 3500 S Las Vegas Blvd.

About Purple W.I.N.G.S: Purple W.I.N.G.S is devoted solely to help at-risk girls, particularly those facing the challenges of: poverty, failing or dropping out of school, promiscuity, the sex-trade industry, commercial sexual exploitation -- sex-trafficking, violence, and other negative traps. Purple W.I.N.G.S. helps those facing challenges to ultimately use their personal power to reach their goals and dreams. The organization helps girls practice important such as listening to and understanding the viewpoints of others, communicating clearly, thinking critically, and making sound healthy decisions.

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