Purple Prairie Botanicals Review

Going with the theory that everything happens for a reason, The Makeup Examiner offers up the story, and review, of Purple PrairieBotanicals. As with almost every interesting health or beauty product that TME has come across, necessity (frustration) has been the mother of invention. This is where we find a young mother of three who became frustrated with skin care products that were not up to par. Happening upon an article in an organic gardening magazine, she decided to cook up a batch of soap and in 2000 Purple Prairie Botanicals was born.

Based in Minnesota, Purple Prairie Botanicals is a homegrown company committed to using the finest organic ingredients, sustainability, fair trade practices and, of course, no animal testing. Purple Prairie are proud signers of the Skin Deep Cosmetics Act, Leaping Bunny, PETA and qualify for the National Green Pages directory. Are you in love yet?

Purple Prairie products are free of:
  • Petroleum
  • Parabens
  • Synthetic Dyes
  • Artificial Preservatives
  • Animal Ingredients
  • Detergents
  • Sulfates
  • GMOs
  • Gluten

Getting to the products, TME begins with Gardener's Carrot Salve ($5.99), which smells delicious and is made with calendula and chamomile, which protect before and after gardening. But, Gardener's Carrot Salve is not limited to just gardening. It’s an excellent product to sooth and heal dry feet.

Next up is Deet Free Bug Spray ($7.99), which is full of skin-loving natural ingredients, has a lovely scent (unlike many other bug sprays) and is effective! It’s also fabulous for soothing bug bites should you forget to apply prior to taking to the great outdoors. The special blend of essential oils and plant extracts in a clean witch hazel and water base that’s safe for all ages.

Rounding out the review for Purple Prairie is a look at the brand’s SunStick Solid Balm SPF 30 ($9.99).  Containing 20% micronized zinc oxide that scatters the suns harmful UVA and UVB rays, this sun balm is also filled will skin-loving products like organic cocoa and shea butters. Aside from being an effective sun protectent, it’s unscented, 100% natural, biodegradable and environmentally safe.

Along with the above, Purple Prairie sent over several of their amazing 100% Natural Soaps ($3.99). With amazingnous like Lemongrass Oatmeal Soap, Gardener's Carrot Soap, Peppermint & Oatmeal Soap Bar and Eucalyptus Lemon Soap Bar … you need to try at least one. Purple Prairie Botanicals are available online at Purple Prairie and select retail locations.

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