Clairol Shares Color Duo Technique

Clairol Global Creative Director of Color and Style, Marcy Cona, developed a unique color technique to kick off summer. With plenty of backyard barbeques and beach vacations still on our schedules, it’s probably time for a touchup and Marcy has kindly decided to share her amazingly easy Color Duo how-to with The Makeup Examiner readers.

Two major pluses for The Makeup Examiner, regarding Clairol, are of course the brilliant creative mind of Mary Cona and the fact that the product is a quality at-home brand. As previously shared with TME readers, Marcy develops her own personal hair color techniques that are inspired by up-and-coming hair color trends and she develops them using Clairol Nice ‘n Easy products so the readers can replicate her inspirations at home. The Color Duo technique was derived to add a double dose of dimension and shine for natural-looking highlights, while helping to eliminate brassiness. 

Marcy Cona’s Clairol Color Duo Technique:

1. Product/Shade Selection
  • Current shade – light brown to dark brown, medium blond to dark blonde
  • Choose one shade for the base and one shade for the mid-shaft and ends
  • Shade One: Choose a shade 1-2 levels lighter than shade two, within the same tonal family, for mid-shaft and ends.
  • Shade Two: Chose a shade for your roots and hairline that will contrast and provide a backdrop for shade two.

 2. Prep
  • Read instructions, put on gloves provided in the box before using any color, and perform Allergy Test 48-hours prior/Strand Test to predict results
  • Prepare your hair color essentials (Petroleum Jelly or Waxelene, Plastic Clips, Large Tooth Comb and Towels)
  • Part dry hair into four equal sections and secure each section with a plastic clip

 3. Application
  • Mix Shade One and apply to the mid-shaft of your hair and let process for 15 minutes
  • Mix Shade Two and roots and hairline and let process for 15 minutes

4. Finish
  • Rinse with warm water until the water runs clear
  • Use the inbox Clear Seal Glossy to condition your hair for 2-5 minutes
  • Rinse and style your lovely locks! 

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