Beat The Winter Beauty Blues

Reese Dane
An Artic chill has fallen upon the majority of the country and The Makeup Examiner feels fairly confident in stating that winter is on. The whipping chill has her, and her friends, dreaming of a long vacation in a much warmer climate. Regrettably, jetting away for the winter isn’t an option. So as the old adage goes, “If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”.

When it’s frightfully cold outside, bring warmth to your surroundings indoors with a few simple “pick me up” steps. December and January are festive months so it’s time to get into the spirit of things. Make a delicious cup of hot chocolate (with mini marshmallows) and light a few seasonally scented candles to set the tone. These simple actions will hopefully lift your spirits a little and get you motivated for the next fun steps.

There actually is a plus side to being stuck indoors, as it presents an awesome opportunity to take time for ourselves. The Makeup Examiner loves to try out new beauty trends, but knows that not every trend can be mastered in the 2 minutes that we have before running out the door to work. If you’re stuck indoors, you have plenty of time to try out, and master, the biggest winter beauty trends. This winter, the metallics have taken over. But metallic can be tricky … too much of it (like shimmer) and your looking more like a clown then a beautynista.

Now is also the perfect time to pamper yourself. After you finished experimenting with the latest beauty trends, treat yourself to a few at-home spa treatments with a few of The Makeup Examiner’s favorite products:

  • Take a rejuvenating sea salt bath with Clarisea Clarifying Salt Treatment
  • Take a relaxing shower with a shower bomb like Level Naturals Shower Bombs
  • Do a DIY hair mask - Avocado and Mayonnaise Hair Mask
  • Give yourself a pedicure using Kerstin Florian FuB Balm
  • Give yourself a facial with Pangea Organics Japanese Matcha Tea Acai Goji Berry Mask
  • Do a head to toe body scrub with DIY Brown Sugar & Vanilla Scrub
  • Paint your nails in a lovely, deep red like TME’s current favorite SpaRitual’s From The Heart
If all fails and you’re still suffering from a case of the winter beauty blues, spray on your favorite perfume and whip out a bold lipstick!
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