Winter Hair Care Tips From Celebrity Colorist Marco Pelusi

Reese Dane
The Makeup Examiner caught up with world-renowned, celebrity colorist Marco Pelusi on Thursday, Dec. 5 and Marco shared his expert tips for winter hair care and winter color shade transition. The Makeup Examiner would be extremely remiss if she didn’t begin this article with huge congratulations to Marco Pelusi for winning the prestigious John Chase Art & Design Award! Congratulations to my dear friend and the very best colorist on the planet. Moving on to the real reason why you stopped by today … Marco’s expert tips. Check the end of this article for a holiday special on Marco Hair Care products!

(L to R) Brandy Kopp and Jennifer O'Dell - Courtesy of Marco Pelusi Hair Studios
TME: What do advise for a specific winter color change?
Marco: During wintertime, most of us like to wear a darker color in our hair, and it’s certainly preferable -- even you blondes out there may wish to deepen your color. It’s just more of a natural appearance to have brighter color when it’s really sunny outside during the warmer months, and a richer, deeper tone when it’s gets colder. Often a reddish tone is a lovely choice to add into your color during wintertime if your skin tone can carry it.

What is the biggest problem with color treated hair?
A problem can arise quickly when you add red or darker colors as they sometimes fade more quickly than the usual blonde or brunette color. As a general note, reds are first to fade, because they are the largest dye molecules. Whether you’re a redhead, blonde or brunette, if you are going even a bit darker/redder, you should always ask your colorist what he/she could do to prevent hair from premature color fade.

What questions should we be asking our colorist?
Be sure to ask if he/she is just pulling through the same root color, or using a fresh color formula for the ends of your hair. Ask if the formula will be on the ends of your hair, and for how long, and why. Really put your colorist to the test so you’ll be able to maintain the color longer. Then you need to evaluate which haircare products you’re using at home. You need to make sure that your products are specifically formulated to repair and moisturize, as well as prevent hair from premature color fade.

What can we do at home to prevent color fade?
As a general rule, it’s possible that you won’t need to shampoo as often, perhaps every other day, which will help retain your hair color for a longer period of time.

If we choose to take our hair color darker, what’s the best way for an all over natural look?
When going darker and/or redder during these winter months, many of us have eyebrows or eyelashes lighter than our new hair color. It is definitely possible to tint either or both. This is a procedure I recommend for a total look of beauty. When you add red to the hair, it’s possible a hint of red may also look good added to the color of your eyebrows. Eyebrow and eyelash tinting is very easy to do, but I recommend going to a salon, rather than doing it yourself to ensure that your color is in sync, and to ensure safety. With eyelash tinting, there are necessary safety precautions a professional must take. Make certain the salon you patron takes care of safety.

What’s most important for hair care during the winter months?
During the winter months, in general for all hair, but especially color treated hair, we need to prevent our hair from drying out, especially at the ends. The longer your hair is, the older it is, and it will need special treatment during the colder months. Longer hair doesn’t have the benefit of sebum or hair oils produced at the scalp that keep the hair shaft healthy and shiny.

In addition, any different dimensions/levels of color/chemicals on the hair creates a need also for more conditioning during winter. Therefore it’s a matter of using high quality restorative products – shampoo for the scalp, and conditioner for the ends. When you condition, you need to allow time for the conditioner to sit on the ends of your hair. The concept is just like moisturizing your skin.

It’s important not to over shampoo/cleanse the hair, because you can dry it out. All you really need to do is shampoo your scalp, and let the shampoo rinse down the ends, as opposed to forcefully scrubbing through the older ends of your hair. When conditioning, however, you only truly need to concern yourself with the ends of the hair, where moisture needs to be replenished constantly. The moral of the story is to richen or darken or redden your color during winter – and to moisturize and take extra special good care of it to boot!

Marco Pelusi is offering TME readers an exclusive holiday deal! Now thru Dec. 24, Readers will receive a free 2oz bottle of Marco Shampoo with any Marco product purchase and there is no code necessary. Just visit the Marco Pelusi website and shop away! If you’re looking for an amazing leave-in conditioner, The Makeup Examiner highly recommends her go-to product, Marco Anti-Frizz Leave-In Conditioner. 

Note: A very special thank you to Marco Pelusi for taking the time to chat. It was a true pleasure!

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